ADHD under control: Together you are stronger!

Successful Strategies for Parents, Adults and Those They Love

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Could ADHD be the root cause of conflict and tension in your relationships?

Today my partner and I are more in love than we were at the beginning of our relationship but we were discussing separation when he was finally diagnosed with ADHD. Despite being a successful relationship coach, I could never figure out why I was having problems in my own relationship. We were constantly arguing over little things like household chores, and no matter how often I asked for help, I was met with resistance, defensiveness and endless excuses which usually escalated into an argument. I felt like a failure, I was angry and resentful, and this impacted our relationship, to the point that it started to break down…

Does this resonate with you?

The good news is that when I learned that ADHD is genetic and runs in families I started to question if this could actually be the problem all along. It turns out it was! I not only have two children with ADHD but my partner had been living with undiagnosed ADHD his whole life. When I realised this I set out to understand everything to do with neurodivergent relationships and I discovered 3 mistakes we had been making that were making things much harder for us than they needed to be. When we started to learn how to work together as a team and manage the ADHD systems instead of fighting against them our relationship was transformed.

3 Common Mistakes of ADHD Impacted Relationships

  • Not realising your relationship problems are related to ADHD

  • Not accepting the impact an ADHD diagnosis can have on you as a couple

  • Denying that your relationship is in trouble and you need help before it is too late

How I can help


Communication Training

ADHD Education

Speaking Engagements and Training

Behaviour Modification

Workplace Support

ADHD Doesn’t Need to Destroy Your Relationship

Learn How To Stop ADHD Negatively Impacting Your Relationship so You Can Feel Fullfilled, Understood & Truly Happy Together

No credit Card required

Kelly Brändli, BsN, MBA


Today I am in an amazing relationship with a wonderful man and we have strong communication, a deep connection and an exciting life but it wasn’t always that way. 

Due to undiagnosed ADHD things were really bad for a while and we had to pull our relationship back from the brink of destruction.

The first three years of our relationship were out of a Hollywood movie. We were so deeply in love and living in relationship bliss. Once we moved in together though, things started to spiral out of control. We were fighting constantly, not talking to each other for sometimes days at a time, and I was so angry and resentful. I felt like I was constantly being blamed for issues that I knew weren’t mine and our communication consisted mainly of the ping pong of blame and escalating yelling.

I tried to fix our relationship using all the tools and techniques I had learned as a Relationship Coach but nothing helped, in fact it only seemed to make things worse.

We were ready to call it quits but then something happened that changed everything….

Why SINAPS is Different.

I understand that there is a major difference to helping ADHD’ers and couples when one person’s brain is wired differently. When one of you is neurodivergent, you cannot compare or even fix your relationship in the same way other couples would. Traditional therapy or couple’s counseling simply doesn’t work. You need specific help, information and advice tailored to your unique situation otherwise you could end up making it worse.

I teach my clients cutting-edge techniques based on the science of what works for ADHD impacted couples. I help you break down the dynamics in your relationship so you can finally understand why simple discussions suddenly spiral out of control leading to conflict that ends up blown completely out of proportion. I show you how to break through misinterpretations that result from untreated ADHD and I give you the skills and a step-by-step roadmap to help you reconnect as a couple, rebuild trust and intimacy, and rekindle the love you once had.

What my Coaching Clients have to say.


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